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Monthly Archive: October 2017

Michael Portillo at the Corn Hall

The epitome of the consummate public speaker, Michael Portillo wandered on stage, with faux casualness, on the dot of his allotted time, and proceeded to regale a packed house with anecdotes from his time in… read more
Posted in Review, Word

The Old Curiosity Shop review

The Old Curiosity Shop by Common Ground Theatre Company The source novel for this production is an uneven, overly sentimental work that betrays its episodic origins. If you want to have a go at Dickens,… read more
Posted in Review, Theatre

Lady Macbeth Review

It is a hundred and fifty years since Russian author Nikolai Leskov published Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District in Dostoevsky’s Epoch magazine, and adaptations of the novella have since been many and varied, but… read more
Posted in Film

I am Not Your Negro (12) - A Preview

Novelist and playwright James Baldwin is perhaps best known for his social essays on the deeply divided US society that surrounded him, not least his unfinished manuscript Remember This House, a personal memoir of Malcolm… read more
Posted in Film, Review