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Monthly Archive: July 2018

Bethany Crow's review of Life on the Deben

During my time at the Diss Corn Hall work experience day I had the pleasure of helping steward the movie Life on the Deben and then watching this interesting documentary. Throughout the documentary you learn… read more
Posted in Diss, Film, Norfolk, Review, Training

Rowan Whittington Reviews Life on the Deben

I am Rowan Whittington, a student from Diss Sixth Form, taking part in the student Takeover Day at The Corn Hall. Whilst doing so, I watched the Wednesday morning showing of Life on the Deben.… read more
Posted in Diss, Film, Norfolk, Review, Training

Elliot Grayston Work Experience At The Corn Hall

Work Experience: I am a student from Diss Sixth Form, and because of changing A-levels we had to complete a week of work experience. I had the opportunity to complete my work experience at the… read more
Posted in Training

Joseph Grayston Has Enjoyable Time During Work Experience Week At The Corn Hall

For one week starting on the 9th of July I completed work experience at Diss Corn Hall. The opportunity arose after a change in A-Levels meant that students of year 12 at Diss High had… read more
Posted in Training

Luke Wright & Mike Garry mesmerised at June Poetry Club

Another six months have rolled by since the last time we had a night of performance poetry at the Corn Hall, but it proved to be worth the wait, with a selection of new poems… read more
Posted in Luke Wright, Review, Stand-Up Poetry, Word