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Monthly Archive: May 2019

Spring Flowers and Little Dewdrops

On Wednesday 8 May, we were lucky enough to have Tina Bone, a member of the Iceni Botanical Artist collective, to run an exclusive workshop focused on observing, drawing and painting wild spring flowers. Find… read more
Posted in Uncategorised

Thomas Paine play was sometimes melancholy, frequently moving, and ultimately life affirming.

Thomas Paine’s To Begin the World Over Again Thomas Paine only worked in Diss for a year, but we still make a claim on him, so it was pleasing that the playwright and performer, Ian… read more
Posted in Heritage, Review, Theatre

Wednesday 15 May - your chance to see one of the best films ever made

Ingmar Bergman's dark masterpiece, The Seventh Seal reaches back to scripture to create a nightmarish, episodic journey for Max von Sydow’s world-weary crusader, questioning everything while the long shadow of death chases him all the… read more
Posted in Film, Review

Luke Wright’s Stand-Up Poetry - a night of great pleasure

One of the great pleasures of Luke Wright’s stand-up poetry nights is hearing his new work in progress, and it was fascinating to hear his continued look inward. We heard about his mum, his dad,… read more
Posted in Luke Wright, Review, Stand-Up Poetry, Word