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Monthly Archive: June 2022

Women of Troy - a Corn Hall steward's review

On Friday night I continued in my quest to see as much local drama as I can, so I went to Diss Park to watch the open air production of Women of Troy by Euripides… read more
Posted in Diss, live entertainment, Open Space Theatre Company, Review, Theatre

Shaparak Khorsandi delights her audience with gentle good humour and salacious anecdotes

Back in the 90s, there was no social media, no dating sites, and – if we are to believe Shaparak Khorsandi – no shame. In her early twenties Shappi, as she was then known, was… read more
Posted in Comedy

The National Theatre Returns to the Corn Hall

David Hare’s new play marks a welcome return of the Corn Hall’s programme of National Theatre plays,  broadcast live from London. In this instance, we got a front row seat in the Bridge Theatre, watching… read more
Posted in Theatre

Kenneth Branagh’s Belfast is a spellbinding masterpiece

Kenneth Branagh’s elegiac, autobiographical movie has a tremendous warmth to it, notwithstanding its grim subject matter, and although it focuses on a specific time in Branagh’s life, it touches on surprisingly universal themes. When, it… read more
Posted in Film