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Monthly Archive: February 2023

Bowjangles get their teeth into Dracula in Space

I can’t imagine many people knew what to expect from a show that featured a string quartet and a space vampire, so full marks to the audience at the Corn Hall that took a leap… read more
Posted in Music, Theatre

Wright brings mirth in his night with McNish

The poetry club at the Corn Hall has long since outgrown the cosy Waveney Room, and now wins audiences in the main hall that rival shows that you might think would have a wider audience.… read more
Posted in Luke Wright, Stand-Up Poetry

Hal Cruttenden is heard at his best

Over the years, the Corn Hall has played host to many fine comedians, but Hal Cruttenden's sold out show must surely rank as one of the best for a very long time. Deep down, we… read more
Posted in Comedy

John Etheridge lifts Spirits with a virtuoso performance

John Etheridge is probably best known as guitarist for the prog-rock/jazz outfit Soft Machine, but he’s played with everyone from Stéphane Grappelli to Hawkwind. Known for his extraordinary dexterity and eclecticism, his visit to the… read more
Posted in Music

Don't Worry - Florence Pugh is outstanding.

Olivia Wilde’s second feature comes to the screen weighed down by its considerable baggage, but set aside the acrimony and last minute cast changes, and Don’t Worry Darling emerges at a film that is arresting… read more
Posted in Uncategorised