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Monthly Archive: August 2023

Dot Productions weather the storm

It was with some trepidation that I made my way to the grounds of the Oaksmere for Dot Production's open air performance of their adaptation of Jane Austin's Persuasion. The heavens had opened only moments… read more
Posted in Theatre

Fraser Anderson and Bex Baxter in perfect Harmony

Confronted by a bare stage, there was a palpable feeling of both expectation and curiosity amongst the audience at the Corn Hall, waiting for Fraser Anderson to take to the stage. I wasn’t alone in… read more
Posted in Music

The Care Experience

Back in January 2023, The Corn Hall hosted an exhibition and a series of events called The Care Experience.    The Exhibition, No Colours for my coat, reflects Paul Yusuf's experience of growing up in care… read more
Posted in Uncategorised