Cast your prejudices aside, you’ll be cheering over this heart-warming tale with family, East Anglia & wrestling at its heart

If you’re wondering whether a film about wrestling is for you, then wonder no more, and not just because it largely takes place in East Anglia. This heart-warming tale of a close knit, loving family from Norwich (who just happen to spend their time in the ring) is really about hope, ambition and support from your loved ones.

Stephen Merchant’s (co-writer and co-director of The Office) witty screenplay and deft direction captures perfectly the charm and delight of a fairy tale story that is far too improbable to be anything but true. Nick Frost and Dwayne Johnson have attracted the lion’s share of attention in the chatter about this charming, low budget British film, but its star is Florence Pugh. Playing a character based on Saraya-Jade Bevis, the youngest woman to ever win the WWE’s Divas Championship, she is utterly convincing, hugely likeable and even gets the Norfolk accent right.

Cast your prejudices and preconceptions to one side and immerse yourself in the wacky world of grappling in this winning combination of comedy and pathos. I absolutely guarantee you’ll be cheering Paige on as she gets in the ring – you may even shed a tear with her Dad when she does.

By David Vass

Fighting with My Family (12A) will screen on Wednesday 18 September at 10:30am & 7.30pm