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Category: Heritage

Diss Heritage Transport Fayre - Sunday 24th September

Over 100 classic vehicles including cars, commercials and motor cycles will be on display in and around Diss Town Centre at this year's Diss Heritage Transport Fayre on Sunday 24th September. As you wander around… read more
Posted in Heritage

Start with Art! #NationalLottery25

This image represents an special moment in a child’s life, shared with his grandparents, at our recent ‘Start with Art!’ event. Here at the Corn Hall in Diss the support from Arts Council England and the National Lottery Heritage… read more
Posted in Art, Diss, Exhibitions, Family, Heritage, Norfolk, Outreach

Ruby Watkinson: Work Experience Review

On the 8th July 2019, I began my weeks work experience at the Diss Corn Hall. After finding out that year 12 had to complete this compulsory week I set out to ensure that I… read more
Posted in Art, Diss, Exhibitions, Heritage, Jobs, Norfolk, Review

Ruby Whitehouse: My Work Experience at the Corn Hall 2019

  This July I have completed a week of work experience at the Corn Hall, an organisation I chose because of my interest in art and media. I was surprised by the variety of tasks… read more
Posted in Art, Diss, Exhibitions, Heritage, Jobs, Norfolk, Review

Thomas Paine play was sometimes melancholy, frequently moving, and ultimately life affirming.

Thomas Paine’s To Begin the World Over Again Thomas Paine only worked in Diss for a year, but we still make a claim on him, so it was pleasing that the playwright and performer, Ian… read more
Posted in Heritage, Review, Theatre

East Anglian film premiere brought to life George Butterworth - a man who might have become one of Britain’s foremost composers

The Corn’s Hall’s presentation of Stewart Hajdukiewicz’s biography of composer George Butterworth may not have been quite the world premiere, but it was only the third public outing for the film, and was attended by… read more
Posted in Film, Heritage, Music

Fire your imagination at ARCADIA!

This arresting collage of archive footage is notionally a movie that explores our changing relationship with the land, and opens with scenes of a bucolic and idealised countryside that will have the viewer settling in… read more
Posted in Film, Heritage, Review


During the First World War the British government developed a variety of art schemes to bear witness to the conflict. Tania Harrington’s far reaching and ambitious talk on the subject examined how revolutionary changes in… read more
Posted in Heritage, Word, WWI