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Category: Stand-Up Poetry

Luke Wright’s Celebrates his Silver Jubilee

It's hard to believe that Luke Wright, or anyone else for that matter, has earned a living through stand up poetry for the last twenty five years. Once you've ticked off John Cooper Clarke, Attila… read more
Posted in Comedy, Luke Wright, Stand-Up Poetry, Uncategorised

Wright brings mirth in his night with McNish

The poetry club at the Corn Hall has long since outgrown the cosy Waveney Room, and now wins audiences in the main hall that rival shows that you might think would have a wider audience.… read more
Posted in Luke Wright, Stand-Up Poetry

Luke Wright’s Stand-Up Poetry - a night of great pleasure

One of the great pleasures of Luke Wright’s stand-up poetry nights is hearing his new work in progress, and it was fascinating to hear his continued look inward. We heard about his mum, his dad,… read more
Posted in Luke Wright, Review, Stand-Up Poetry, Word

Luke Wright's Stand Up Poetry Club presented a compelling contrast of talent

Promoted to the main auditorium, Luke Wright's Stand-Up Poetry Club swapped intimacy for elbow room in an evening dominated by the anger of men who can’t quite believe what is happening in the world. First… read more
Posted in Luke Wright, Review, Stand-Up Poetry, Theatre, Uncategorised

Luke Wright & Mike Garry mesmerised at June Poetry Club

Another six months have rolled by since the last time we had a night of performance poetry at the Corn Hall, but it proved to be worth the wait, with a selection of new poems… read more
Posted in Luke Wright, Review, Stand-Up Poetry, Word

Luke Wright’s Stand-Up Poetry Club

Another six months have rolled by since the last time we had a night of performance poetry at the Corn Hall, but it proved to be worth the wait, with a selection of new poems… read more
Posted in Review, Stand-Up Poetry, Word