See How They Run – A Preview
Posted on 18th April 2017
Open Space’s occasional foray into British farce continued with their opening night of Philip King’s famous wartime comedy. Written and set during World War II, it’s a fascinating insight into psyche of a nation laughing in the face of adversity.
Emma Martin’s Received Pronunciation was spot on while Geoff Cadman was all gas and gaiters – both gave commanding central performances that allowed the rest of the cast scope to gurn, double take and pratfall to great effect. Clive Winton was a suitably silly ass, Peter Sowerbutts was at his grumpy best as the withering Bishop, while Bob Good distracted reverend was reminiscent of Hugh Lloyd. And it was good to see Frances Lamb, after walk-on parts in previous productions, showing how much more she is capable of.
The frenetic action would have benefited from more doors to slam, and the decision to perform in the round felt a little laboured, but these are the realities of touring a production. What the show lacked in window dressing was more than compensated for by a polished, ensemble cast who brought to life what could so easily have been a dated museum piece.
By David Vass
Catch the show on the 20th April at Laxfield Village Hall as part of Corn Hall on tour.
Tickets available here