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Tag: Theatre

Sadie Clark fascinating look at Solo Theatre comes to the Corn Hall

Given the current restrictions, financial and practical, imposed on live theatre at the moment, it’s perhaps no surprise that there is a growing interest in solo projects. No social distancing required on stage, tour-friendly staging… read more
Posted in Theatre, Word

A View From the Bridge marks Open Space's triumphal return to the stage

After interminable covid rescheduling, Open Space Theatre Company have finally been able to tour with their production of Arthur Miller’s A View From the Bridge. Judging from the number of people that had come along… read more
Posted in Theatre

Common Grounds handsome adaptation of Dostoevsky is a bold triumph

One thing you can’t say about Common Ground Theatre Company is that they lack ambition. Taking on Dostoevsky is bold under any circumstance. Adapting him for the theatre is brave indeed. The Dream of a… read more
Posted in Theatre

The Killer Question answered in this funny, inventive mystery

It is always a pleasure and a treat to see new writing performed, and all the more so when the text is as sharp and witty as Dave Payne’s comedy thriller. Payne readily acknowledges a… read more
Posted in Comedy, Review, Theatre

A superbly staged production that is both ambitious and original

It’s been awhile since we’ve enjoyed theatre of any kind, but setting that aside, a while longer since The Keeper’s Daughter have presented one of their adaptations of classic texts. The works of Conan Doyle,… read more
Posted in Family, Theatre

A Magically Nostalgic Evening with Dad's Army

Back in the 70s it was not uncommon for a successful TV show to be adapted for the radio, and Dad’s Army was no exception. David Benson’s and Jack Lane’s audacious idea was to replicate… read more
Posted in Family, Theatre

War Horse - one of the best known, and best loved, theatrical productions of this century.  

It’s hard to imagine a better way to re-open the Corn Hall than with a showing of what must be one of the best known, and best loved, theatrical productions of this century. Based on… read more
Posted in Family, Film, Theatre

Live Theatre returns to Diss with The Handlebards’s Romeo and Juliet

It was a slimmed down version of the Handlebards that entertained people in the park, as part of the Corn Hall’s continuing efforts to reintroduce live theatre to Diss. Fortunately, what the company lacked in… read more
Posted in Comedy, Family, Theatre

The Crow's Tale was charming, imaginative, and delightful

This was the third visit to the Corn Hall for London based String Theatre, presenting their most ambitious production yet - a charming tale based on a Lenni Lenape Native American legend. The story of… read more
Posted in Family, Theatre

A Triumphant Return for Common Ground's Sherlock Holmes

Common Ground returned to the Corn Hall with another of their post-Christmas shows. It's something that looks like becoming something of a traditional, with packed houses for both performances of their further adventures of Holmes… read more
Posted in Comedy, Family, Theatre