The Wandering Spectre – An Update
Posted on 17th August 2017
Since the beginning of the year The Keeper’s Daughter and The Corn Hall have been collaborating on The Wind Back Time project – a community focussed project to explore the heritage of Diss. This has included local reminiscence workshops, drama sessions and workshops offering a practical insight into set and costume design for the theatre. All of these sessions have fed into the beginnings of a professional piece of theatre entitled The Wandering Spectre.
A team of professional theatre makers will set to work at The Corn Hall this October to explore ideas and begin to build a spooky promenade production inspired by the community workshops and the history of the town.
The mystery of the wandering spectre will unravel throughout the entire building on the evening of Tuesday 24th October. The sharing of work will be an opportunity for local folk to experience how the play is developing and to feed into the development process offering feedback on what they’ve seen so far and how we can move the piece forward.
It is our hope that the full length version will play in a variety of spaces throughout the heritage triangle and potentially tour to local towns in 2018, so do come along and see what we’re up to on the 24th October.
The Wandering Spectre research and development has been commissioned by House in partnership with The Corn Hall and supported using public funding by Arts Council England.