Preparations underway for The Tashi Lhunpo Monks residency at The Corn Hall
Posted on 24th July 2023A week of workshops and performance, and a rare opportunity to experience the music and art of the unique Tibetan Buddhist culture which flourished for six centuries in Tibet and which the monks now continue to practice in exile.
During their residency, they will create a Sand Mandala. The most exquisite of all their artistic traditions, it requires millions of coloured grains of sand to be painstakingly laid into place to form an intricate design. The Mandala is open to the public to view between 11am-4pm on Sat 29th and 10am-4pm Mon – Wed. Entry is free, why not pop in during your lunch break?
As well as the creation of the Sand Mandala there is an array of events, workshops, performances and even a cricket match!
Sat 29th July, 10am – Mandala dedication ceremony
Sat 29th July, 2.30pm – Hands-on Workshop
Mon 31st July, 5.30pm – Cricket Match Diss vs TL Monks
Tues 1st Aug, 7.30pm – Supper Workshop
Wed 2nd Aug, 7.30pm – Film, Kundun
Thurs 3rd Aug, 11.30am – Mandala Destruction Ceremony
Thurs 3rd Aug, 1.30pm – Performance Workshop
Thurs 3rd Aug, 7.30pm – Final Performance