Wonderful Work Experience!
Posted on 8th August 2022
During my work experience at The Corn Hall, I took part in a diverse range of activities to introduce me to the inner workings of an arts centred organisation.
Throughout the week, I helped run children’s art activities and community group meetups, designed a poster for an art exhibition, and was tasked with marketing and promoting events. I also worked in the box office, learning how to use the different online systems. I really enjoyed stewarding events and learning how the events programme is compiled.
My work experience at The Corn Hall has offered wonderful opportunities to gain and develop skills which are essential in a work environment. I had so much fun and definitely recommend it as the perfect place for work experience!
As part of my work experience with the Corn Hall, I was introduced to the many aspects that goes into working in an art establishment. I was fully immersed in the events and promotion aspect, designing a poster for an upcoming film showing and stewarding for Dustin Doris, but also the more business side, collecting data from feedback sheets and presenting them and helping in the box office. However, my favorite part of my work experience was curating an exhibition of work from the local Junior school.
My time at the Corn Hall has shown me what it is like to work in an art establishment and how much it means to the surrounding community; I have gained skills and experiences that I am sure will help me in my future career.